cluster former SOLLICH - Type CF-820 with mixing screw SM-200-G, 1998.

cluster former SOLLICH - Type CF-820 with mixing screw SM-200-G, 1998.

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Location:Bad Salzuflen, Germany


A mixture of solid components and tempered chocolate is dosed into small heaps (clusters) on a cooling belt. The following materials are referred to as solids: chopped nuts and almonds, dried fruit and cereals. The shape and weight of the heap are determined volumetrically by the mold openings in the dosing drum and by the working speed. The mixing takes place continuously in a mixing screw type SM-200-G, in which the nut pieces are dosed into the chocolate using a plate dosing device type TD-1. The mixture is transferred to the hopper of the cluster former by a swiveling movement of the mixing screw. A doctor blade in the feed hopper fills the mold openings in the dosing drum with the mixture and an ejection device places the crumbles on the cooling belt.
Output: up to approx. 40 cycles per minute, depending on the product
Design: 16 product ranges
Special features:
- mobile on stable and robust rollers
- C-construction; the machine can be placed from the side over a cooling belt
- The machine can be dismantled in the work area within a few minutes; this makes it easy to wash the drum and quickly change to other product shapes if there is more than one dosing drum.
All information according to the brochure description, although equipment features may vary.


Stock NumberG13230